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TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor Class Reference

Base class for PropertyExtractors. More...

#include <PropertyExtractor.h>

Inheritance diagram for TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor:
TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ArnoldiIterator TBTK::PropertyExtractor::BlockDiagonalizer TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer


class  Information

Public Member Functions

 PropertyExtractor ()
virtual ~PropertyExtractor ()
virtual void setEnergyWindow (double lowerBound, double upperBound, int energyResolution)
virtual void setEnergyWindow (int lowerFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex, int upperFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex, int lowerBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex, int upperBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex)
virtual void setEnergyInfinitesimal (double energyInfinitesimal)
virtual Property::Density calculateDensity (Index pattern, Index ranges)
virtual Property::Density calculateDensity (std::vector< Index > patterns)
virtual Property::Magnetization calculateMagnetization (Index pattern, Index ranges)
virtual Property::Magnetization calculateMagnetization (std::vector< Index > patterns)
virtual Property::LDOS calculateLDOS (Index pattern, Index ranges)
virtual Property::LDOS calculateLDOS (std::vector< Index > patterns)
virtual Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS calculateSpinPolarizedLDOS (Index pattern, Index ranges)
virtual Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS calculateSpinPolarizedLDOS (std::vector< Index > patterns)
virtual std::complex< double > calculateExpectationValue (Index to, Index from)
virtual Property::DOS calculateDOS ()
virtual Property::DOS sampleDOS (unsigned int numSamples, const std::vector< Index > &patterns={}, unsigned int seed=time(nullptr))
virtual double calculateEntropy ()

Protected Types

enum  EnergyType { Real, Matsubara }

Protected Member Functions

EnergyType getEnergyType () const
int getEnergyResolution () const
double getLowerBound () const
double getUpperBound () const
int getLowerFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex () const
int getUpperFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex () const
int getLowerBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex () const
int getUpperBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex () const
double getEnergyInfinitesimal () const
template<typename DataType >
void calculate (void(*callback)(PropertyExtractor *cb_this, Property::Property &property, const Index &index, int offset, Information &information), Property::AbstractProperty< DataType > &property, Index pattern, const Index &ranges, int currentOffset, int offsetMultiplier, Information &information)
template<typename DataType >
void calculate (void(*callback)(PropertyExtractor *cb_this, Property::Property &property, const Index &index, int offset, Information &information), const IndexTree &allIndices, const IndexTree &memoryLayout, Property::AbstractProperty< DataType > &abstractProperty, Information &information)
void ensureCompliantRanges (const Index &pattern, Index &ranges)
std::vector< int > getLoopRanges (const Index &pattern, const Index &ranges)
IndexTree generateIndexTree (std::vector< Index > patterns, const HoppingAmplitudeSet &hoppingAmplitudeSet, bool keepSummationWildcards, bool keepSpinWildcards)

Detailed Description

Base class for PropertyExtractors.

A PropertyExtractor can be used to extract Properties from a Solver. The PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor is a base class for such PropertyExtractors, which each corresponds to a particular Solver. See the documentation for Diagonalizer, BlockDiagonalizer, ArnoldiIterator, and ChebyshevExpander for examples of specific production ready PropertyExtractors.

The PropertyExtractors provide a uniform interface to Solvers and allow for Properties to be extracted with limited knowledge about Solver specific details. The use of PropertyExtractors also makes it possible to switch between different Solvers with minimal changes to the code.


#include "TBTK/TBTK.h"
using namespace TBTK;
int main(){
//Set the energy window for which to extract energy dependent
double lowerBound = -10;
double upperBound = -10;
double resolution = 1000;
propertyExtractor.setEnergyWindow(lowerBound, upperBound, resolution);
//Set the size of the imaginary infinitesimal to use in the denominator
//of the Green's function if it is used during the calculation.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EnergyType

Energy type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PropertyExtractor()

TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor ( )

◆ ~PropertyExtractor()

virtual TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::~PropertyExtractor ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ calculate() [1/2]

template<typename DataType >
void TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculate ( void(*)(PropertyExtractor *cb_this, Property::Property &property, const Index &index, int offset, Information &information)  callback,
const IndexTree allIndices,
const IndexTree memoryLayout,
Property::AbstractProperty< DataType > &  abstractProperty,
Information information 

Loops over the indices satisfying the specified patterns and calls the appropriate callback function to calculate the correct quantity.

callbackA callback function that is called to perform the actual calculation for a given Index.
allIndicesAn IndexTree containing all the Indices for which the callback should be called.
memoryLayoutThe memory layout used for the Property.
abstractPropertyThe Property that is being calculated.
informationAllows for custom information to be passed between the calculate-functions and the correpsonding callbacks.

◆ calculate() [2/2]

template<typename DataType >
void TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculate ( void(*)(PropertyExtractor *cb_this, Property::Property &property, const Index &index, int offset, Information &information)  callback,
Property::AbstractProperty< DataType > &  property,
Index  pattern,
const Index ranges,
int  currentOffset,
int  offsetMultiplier,
Information information 

Loops over range indices and calls the given callback function to calculate the correct quantity. The function recursively calls itself replacing any IDX_SUM_ALL, IDX_X, IDX_Y, and IDX_Z specifiers by actual subindices in the range [0, ranges[s]), where s is the subindex at which the specifier appears. For example, the pattern ranges pair {IDX_SUM_ALL, 2, IDX_X} and {2, 1, 3} will result in the callback being called for {0, 2, 0}, {0, 2, 1}, {0, 2, 2}, {1, 2, 0}, {1, 2, 1}, and {1, 2, 2}. The first and fourth, second and fifth, and third and sixth Index will further be passed to the callback with the same memory offset since their result should be summed.

The memory offset is further calculated by traversing the subindices of the apttern from right to left and multiplying the current offset multiplier by the number of indices in the range size for the given subindex. This results in an offset that places the elements in consequtive order in increasing order of the Index order. Where an Index is considered to come before another Index if the first subindex to differ between two Indices from the left is smaller than the other Index.

callbackA callback function that is called to perform the actual calculation for a given Index.
propertyReference to Property where the result is to be stored.
patternAn Index specifying the pattern for which to perform the calculation.
rangesThe upper limit (exclusive) for which subindices with wildcard specifiers will be replaced. The lower limit is 0.
currentOffsetThe memory offset calculated for the given pattern Index. Should be zero for the initial call to the function.
offsetMultiplierNumber indicating the block size associated with increasing the current subindex by one. Should be equal to the number of data elements per Index for the initial call to the function.
informationAllows for custom information to be passed between the calculate-functions and the correpsonding callbacks.

◆ calculateDensity() [1/2]

virtual Property::Density TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateDensity ( Index  pattern,
Index  ranges 

Calculate the density. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the density. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

patternSpecifies the index pattern for which to calculate the density. For example, assume that the index scheme is {x, y, z, spin}. {ID_X, 5, 10, IDX_SUM_ALL} will calculate the density for each x along (y,z)=(5,10) by summing over spin. Similarly {ID_X, 5, IDX_Y, IDX_SUM_ALL} will return a two dimensional density for all x and z and y = 5. Note that IDX_X IDX_Y, and IDX_Z refers to the first, second, and third index used by the routine to create a one-, two-, or three-dimensional output, rather than being tied to the x, y, and z used as physical subindices.
rangesSpeifies the number of elements for each subindex. Is ignored for indices specified with positive integers in the pattern, but is used to loop from 0 to the value in ranges for IDX_X, IDX_Y, IDX_Z, and IDX_SUM_ALL. Appropriate ranges corresponding to the two pattern examples above are {SIZE_X, 1, 1, NUM_SPINS} and {SIZE_X, 1, SIZE_Z, NUM_SPINS}, respectively.
A density array with size equal to the number of points included by specified patter-range combination.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander.

◆ calculateDensity() [2/2]

virtual Property::Density TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateDensity ( std::vector< Index patterns)

Calculate the density. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the density. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

patternsA list of patterns that will be matched against the Indices in the Model to determine which Indices for which to calculate the Density.
A Property::Density for the Indices that match the patterns.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::BlockDiagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander.

◆ calculateDOS()

virtual Property::DOS TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateDOS ( )

Calculate the density of states. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the density of states. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

A Property::DOS containing the density of states.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::BlockDiagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ArnoldiIterator.

◆ calculateEntropy()

virtual double TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateEntropy ( )

Calculate the entropy. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the entropy. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

The entropy.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::BlockDiagonalizer, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer.

◆ calculateExpectationValue()

virtual std::complex<double> TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateExpectationValue ( Index  to,
Index  from 

Calculate the expectation value \(\langle c_{to}^{\dagger}c_{from}\). This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the expecation value. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

toThe Index on the left operator.
fromThe index on the right operator.
The expectation value \(\langle c_{to}^{\dagger}c_{from}\).

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::BlockDiagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander.

◆ calculateLDOS() [1/2]

virtual Property::LDOS TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateLDOS ( Index  pattern,
Index  ranges 

Calculate the local density of states. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the local density of states. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

patternSpecifies the index pattern for which to calculate the LDOS. For example, assume that the index scheme is {x, y, z, spin}. {ID_X, 5, 10, IDX_SUM_ALL} will calculate the LDOS for each x along (y,z)=(5,10) by summing over spin. Similarly {ID_X, 5, IDX_Y, IDX_SUM_ALL} will return a two dimensional LDOS for all x and z and y = 5. Note that IDX_X, IDX_Y, and IDX_Z refers to the first, second, and third index used by the routine to create a one-, two-, or three-dimensional output, rather than being tied to the x, y, and z used as physical subindices.
rangesSpeifies the number of elements for each subindex. Is ignored for indices specified with positive integers in the pattern, but is used to loop from 0 to the value in ranges for IDX_X, IDX_Y, IDX_Z, and IDX_SUM_ALL. Appropriate ranges corresponding to the two pattern examples above are {SIZE_X, 1, 1, NUM_SPINS} and {SIZE_X, 1, SIZE_Z, NUM_SPINS}, respectively.
A density array with size equal to the number of points included by specified patter-range combination.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ArnoldiIterator.

◆ calculateLDOS() [2/2]

virtual Property::LDOS TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateLDOS ( std::vector< Index patterns)

Calculate the local density of states. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the local density of states. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

patternsA list of patterns that will be matched against the Indices in the Model to determine which Indices for which to calculate the local density of states.
A Property::LDOS for the Indices that match the patterns.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::BlockDiagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ArnoldiIterator.

◆ calculateMagnetization() [1/2]

virtual Property::Magnetization TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateMagnetization ( Index  pattern,
Index  ranges 

Calculate the magnetization. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the magnetization. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

patternSpecifies the index pattern for which to calculate the magnetization. For example, assume that the index scheme is {x, y, z, spin}. {ID_X, 5, 10, IDX_SPIN} will calculate the magnetization for each x along (y,z)=(5,10). Similarly {ID_X, 5, IDX_Y, IDX_SPIN} will return a two dimensional magnetiation for all x and z and y = 5. Note that IDX_X, IDX_Y, and IDX_Z refers to the first, second, and third index used by the routine to create a one-, two-, or three-dimensional output, rather than being tied to the x, y, and z used as physical subindices.
rangesSpeifies the number of elements for each subindex. Is ignored for indices specified with positive integers in the pattern, but is used to loop from 0 to the value in ranges for IDX_X, IDX_Y, IDX_Z, and IDX_SUM_ALL. Appropriate ranges corresponding to the two pattern examples above are {SIZE_X, 1, 1, NUM_SPINS} and {SIZE_X, 1, SIZE_Z, NUM_SPINS}, respectively.
A magnetization array with size equal to four times the number of points included by specified patter-range combination. The four entries are

\[ \left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1\\ 2 & 3 \end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{cc} \langle c_{i\uparrow}^{\dagger}c_{i\uparrow}\rangle & \langle c_{i\uparrow}^{\dagger}c_{i\downarrow}\rangle\\ \langle c_{i\downarrow}^{\dagger}c_{u\uparrow}\rangle & \langle c_{i\downarrow}^{\dagger}c_{i\downarrow}\rangle \end{array}\right]. \]

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander.

◆ calculateMagnetization() [2/2]

virtual Property::Magnetization TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateMagnetization ( std::vector< Index patterns)

Calculate the Magnetization. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the magnetization. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

patternsA list of patterns that will be matched against the Indices in the Model to determine which Indices for which to calculate the Magnetization.
A Property::Magnetization for the Indices that match the patterns.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::BlockDiagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander.

◆ calculateSpinPolarizedLDOS() [1/2]

virtual Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateSpinPolarizedLDOS ( Index  pattern,
Index  ranges 

Calculate the spin-polarized local density of states. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the spin-polarized local density of states. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

patternSpecifies the index pattern for which to calculate the spin-polarized LDOS. For example, assume that the index scheme is {x, y, z, spin}. {ID_X, 5, 10, IDX_SPIN} will calculate the spin-polarized LDOS for each x along (y,z)=(5,10). Similarly {ID_X, 5, IDX_Y, IDX_SPIN} will return a two dimensional spin-polarized LDOS for all x and z and y = 5. Note that IDX_X, IDX_Y, and IDX_Z refers to the first, second, and third index used by the routine to create a one-, two-, or three-dimensional output, rather than being tied to the x, y, and z used as physical subindices.
rangesSpeifies the number of elements for each subindex. Is ignored for indices specified with positive integers in the pattern, but is used to loop from 0 to the value in ranges for IDX_X, IDX_Y, IDX_Z, and IDX_SUM_ALL. Appropriate ranges corresponding to the two pattern examples above are {SIZE_X, 1, 1, NUM_SPINS} and {SIZE_X, 1, SIZE_Z, NUM_SPINS}, respectively.
A spin-polarized LDOS array with size equal to four times the number of points included by specified patter-range combination. The four entries are

\[ \left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1\\ 2 & 3 \end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{cc} \rho_{i\uparrow i\uparrow}(E) & \rho_{i\uparrow i\downarrow}(E)\\ \rho_{i\downarrow i\uparrow}(E) & \rho_{i\downarrow i\downarrow}(E)\\ \end{array}\right], \]


\[ \rho_{i\sigma i\sigma'}(E) = \sum_{E_n}\langle\Psi_n|c_{i\sigma}^{\dagger}c_{i\sigma'}|\Psi_n\rangle\delta(E - E_n) . \]

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ArnoldiIterator.

◆ calculateSpinPolarizedLDOS() [2/2]

virtual Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::calculateSpinPolarizedLDOS ( std::vector< Index patterns)

Calculate the spin-polarized local density of states. This function should be overriden by those deriving classes that provide support for calculating the spin-polarized local density of states. By default the PropertyExtractor prints an error message that the given property is not supported.

patternsA list of patterns that will be matched against the Indices in the Model to determine which Indices for which to calculate the spin-polarized local density of states.
A Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS for the Indices that match the patterns.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::BlockDiagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer, TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander, and TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ArnoldiIterator.

◆ ensureCompliantRanges()

void TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::ensureCompliantRanges ( const Index pattern,
Index ranges 

Ensure that range indices are on compliant format. I.e., sets the range to one for indices with non-negative pattern value.

patternThe pattern.
rangesThe ranges that will have its subindices set to one for every pattern subindex that is non negative.

◆ generateIndexTree()

IndexTree TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::generateIndexTree ( std::vector< Index patterns,
const HoppingAmplitudeSet hoppingAmplitudeSet,
bool  keepSummationWildcards,
bool  keepSpinWildcards 

Generate an IndexTree containing all the Indices in the HoppingAmplitudeSet that matches the given patterns. Before being added to the IndexTree, the Indices may be modified to replace subindices by their corresponding pattern value. I.e. A summation or spin subindex may still be labeld such in the IndexTree depending on the flags that are passed to the function.

The pattern can also be a compund Index consisting of two Indices, in which case the pattern matching is applied to each component Index separately.

patternsList of patterns to match against.
TheHoppingAmplitudeSet cntaining all the Indices that will be matched against the patterns.
keepSummationWildcardsIf true, summation wildcards in the pattern will be preserved in the IndexTree.
keepSpinWildcardsIf true, spin wildcards in the pattern will be preserved in the IndexTree.

◆ getEnergyResolution()

int TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getEnergyResolution ( ) const

Get the energy resolution.

The energy resolution for the energy window.

◆ getEnergyType()

PropertyExtractor::EnergyType TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getEnergyType ( ) const

Get the energy type.

The EnergyType for the energy window.

◆ getLoopRanges()

std::vector<int> TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getLoopRanges ( const Index pattern,
const Index ranges 

Extract ranges for loop indices. The subindices with IDX_X, IDX_Y and IDX_Z are identified and counted and an array of the same size as the number of loop indices is created and filled with the ranges for the corrsponding loop subindices.

patternA pattern.
rangesThe ranges for the given pattern.
loopDimensionsPointer to int that will hold the number of loop dimensions after the call has completed.
A vector that contains the ranges for the loop subindices.

◆ getLowerBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex()

int TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getLowerBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex ( ) const

Get the lower Bosonic Matsubara energy index.

The lower Bosonic Matsubara energy index.

◆ getLowerBound()

double TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getLowerBound ( ) const

Get lower bound for the energy window.

The lower bound for the energy window.

◆ getLowerFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex()

int TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getLowerFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex ( ) const

Get the lower Fermionic Matsubara energy index.

The lower Fermionic Matsubara energy index.

◆ getUpperBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex()

int TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getUpperBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex ( ) const

Get the upper Bosonic Matsubara energy index.

The upper Bosonic Matsubara energy index.

◆ getUpperBound()

double TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getUpperBound ( ) const

Get the upper bound for the energy window.

The upper bound for the energy window.

◆ getUpperFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex()

int TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::getUpperFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex ( ) const

Get the upper Fermionic Matsubara energy index.

The upper Fermionic Matsubara energy index.

◆ sampleDOS()

virtual Property::DOS TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::sampleDOS ( unsigned int  numSamples,
const std::vector< Index > &  patterns = {},
unsigned int  seed = time(nullptr) 

Sample the DOS by averaging over the LDOS for multiple random Indices. The resulting DOS is normalized to integrate to the total number of states in the sample space covered by the patterns Indices.

numSamplesThe number of samples to use.
patternsA list of patterns to randomize over. If the list is empty (default value), all Indices are randomized over.
seedSeed to use for randomization.
A Property::DOS containing the sampled DOS.

◆ setEnergyInfinitesimal()

virtual void TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::setEnergyInfinitesimal ( double  energyInfinitesimal)

Set the size of the energy infinitesimal that can be used to add for example an \(i\delta\) term to the denominator of the Green's function.

energyInfinitesimalThe energy infinitesimal \(\delta\).

◆ setEnergyWindow() [1/2]

virtual void TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::setEnergyWindow ( double  lowerBound,
double  upperBound,
int  energyResolution 

Set the energy window used for energy dependent quantities. The energy window is set to be real.

lowerBoundThe lower bound for the energy window.
upperBoundThe upper bound for the energy window.
energyResolutionThe number of energy points used to resolve the energy window.

Reimplemented in TBTK::PropertyExtractor::ChebyshevExpander.

◆ setEnergyWindow() [2/2]

virtual void TBTK::PropertyExtractor::PropertyExtractor::setEnergyWindow ( int  lowerFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex,
int  upperFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndex,
int  lowerBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex,
int  upperBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndex 

Set the energy window used for energy dependent quantities. The energy window is set to consist of Matsubara energies.

lowerFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndexThe lower Fermionic Matsubara energy index.
upperFermionicMatsubaraEnergyIndexThe upper Fermionic Matsubara energy index.
lowerBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndexThe lower Bosonic Matsubara energy index.
upperBosonicMatsubaraEnergyIndexThe upper Bosonic Matsubara energy index.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generates IndexTrees to be used as loop ranges and memory layout for Properties in the PropertyExtrac...
void Initialize()
virtual void setEnergyInfinitesimal(double energyInfinitesimal)
Base class for PropertyExtractors.
Definition: PropertyExtractor.h:64
TBTK initialization.
virtual void setEnergyWindow(double lowerBound, double upperBound, int energyResolution)