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TBTK Directory Reference



file  AbstractHoppingAmplitudeFilter.h [code]
 Abstract HoppingAmplitude filter.
file  AbstractIndexFilter.h [code]
 Abstract Index filter.
file  AnnotatedArray.h [code]
 Array with additional information about its axes.
file  Array.h [code]
 Multi-dimensional array.
file  CArray.h [code]
 Container for a C style array.
file  Communicator.h [code]
 Base class for classes that can communicate their status during execution.
file  Convolver.h [code]
 Convolves multi-dimensional arrays.
file  Exporter.h [code]
 Exports data to human readable format.
file  FileParser.h [code]
 Reads and writes Model from and to text files.
file  FileReader.h [code]
 Reads data from file.
file  FileWriter.h [code]
 Writes data to file.
file  Functions.h [code]
 Collection of physically relevant functions.
file  IndexedDataTree.h [code]
 Data structure for storing data associated with an index.
file  Matrix.h [code]
 Custom matrix.
file  ParameterSet.h [code]
 Set of parameters.
file  PropertyConverter.h [code]
 Converts Properties to AnnotatedArrays.
file  PseudoSerializable.h [code]
 Base class for psudo-serializable objects.
file  Range.h [code]
 Helper class for flattening nested looping.
file  Serializable.h [code]
 Abstract base class for serializable objects.
file  Smooth.h [code]
 Collection of functions for smoothing data.
file  SparseMatrix.h [code]
 Sparse matrix.
file  Streamable.h [code]
 Abstract base class for classes that can be written to a stream.
file  Streams.h [code]
 Streams for TBTK output.
file  TBTKMacros.h [code]
 Precompiler macros.
file  Timer.h [code]
 A Timer for measuring execution time.
file  UnitHandler.h [code]
 Handles conversions between different units.
file  Vector2d.h [code]
 Two-dimensional vector with components of double type.
file  Vector3d.h [code]
 Three-dimensional vector with components of double type.
file  VectorNd.h [code]
 N-dimensional vector with components of double type.