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TBTK::Array< DataType > Class Template Reference

Multi-dimensional array. More...

#include <Array.h>

Inheritance diagram for TBTK::Array< DataType >:
TBTK::Serializable TBTK::AnnotatedArray< DataType, AxesType >

Public Member Functions

 Array ()
 Array (const std::initializer_list< unsigned int > &ranges)
 Array (const std::initializer_list< unsigned int > &ranges, const DataType &fillValue)
 Array (const std::vector< DataType > &vector)
 Array (const std::vector< std::vector< DataType >> &vector)
 Array (const Range &range)
 Array (const std::string &serialization, Mode mode)
template<typename CastType >
 operator Array< CastType > () const
DataType & operator[] (const std::vector< unsigned int > &index)
const DataType & operator[] (const std::vector< unsigned int > &index) const
DataType & operator[] (unsigned int n)
const DataType & operator[] (unsigned int n) const
Array operator+ (const Array &rhs) const
Array operator- (const Array &rhs) const
Array operator* (const DataType &rhs) const
Array operator* (const Array &rhs) const
Array operator/ (const DataType &rhs) const
bool operator== (const Array &rhs) const
Array< DataType > getSlice (const std::vector< Subindex > &index) const
Array< DataType > getArrayWithPermutedIndices (const std::vector< unsigned int > &permutation) const
Array< DataType > getArrayWithReversedIndices () const
const std::vector< unsigned int > & getRanges () const
CArray< DataType > & getData ()
const CArray< DataType > & getData () const
unsigned int getSize () const
std::string serialize (Mode mode) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TBTK::Serializable
std::string serialize (const bool &data, Mode mode)
std::string serialize (const double &data, Mode mode)
std::string serialize (const std::complex< double > &data, Mode mode)
std::string serialize (const int &data, Mode mode)
std::string serialize (const unsigned int &data, Mode mode)
std::string serialize (const SpinMatrix &data, Mode mode)
std::string serialize (const Statistics &data, Mode mode)
std::string serialize (const std::vector< std::complex< double >> &data, Mode mode)
int deserialize (const std::string &serialization, Mode mode)

Static Public Member Functions

static Array create (const std::vector< unsigned int > &ranges)
static Array create (const std::vector< unsigned int > &ranges, const DataType &fillValue)
static Array contract (const Array &array0, const std::vector< Subindex > &pattern0, const Array &array1, const std::vector< Subindex > &pattern1)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TBTK::Serializable
static bool hasID (const std::string &serialization, Mode mode)
static std::string getID (const std::string &serialization, Mode mode)
static std::string extractComponent (const std::string &serialization, const std::string &containerID, const std::string &componentID, const std::string &componentName, Mode mode)


class Math::ArrayAlgorithms< DataType >
Array operator* (const DataType &lhs, const Array &rhs)
template<typename DT >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Array< DT > &array)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TBTK::Serializable
enum  Mode { Debug, Binary, XML, JSON }
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from TBTK::Serializable
static bool validate (const std::string &serialization, const std::string &id, Mode mode)
static std::string getContent (const std::string &serialization, Mode mode)
static std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &content, Mode mode)
template<typename DataType >
static std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< DataType >::value, std::string >::type serialize (const DataType &data, Mode mode)
template<typename DataType >
static std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< DataType >::value, std::string >::type serialize (const DataType &data, Mode mode)
template<typename DataType >
static DataType deserialize (const std::string &serialization, Mode mode)
static std::string extract (const std::string &serialization, Mode mode, std::string component)

Detailed Description

template<typename DataType>
class TBTK::Array< DataType >

Multi-dimensional array.

The Array provides a convenient interface for handling multi-dimensional array.


An Array is created using

Array<DataType> array({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, SIZE_Z});

or alternatively

Array<DataType> array({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, SIZE_Z}, value);

to initialize each element to 'value'.

The curly braces determines the Array ranges. Any number of dimensions is possible. Similarly, elements can be accessed using

array[{x, y, z}] = 10;
DataType value = array[{x, y, z}];


It is possible to add and subtract Arrays with the same ranges.

Array<DataType> sum = array0 + array1;
Array<DataType> difference = array0 - array1;

It is also possible to multiply and divide an Array by a value with the same DataType as the Array elements.

DataType value = 10;
Array<DataType> product = value*array;
Array<DataType> quotient = array/value;


Consider the code

Array<DataType> array({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, SIZE_Z});
//Fill array with some values here.
Array<DataType> slice = array.getSlice({_a_, 2, _a_});

Here slice will be an Array with ranges {SIZE_X, SIZE_Z} and satsify *slice[{x, z}] = array[{x, 2, z}].

Note: If you write library code for TBTK, use IDX_ALL instead of _a_.


#include "TBTK/Array.h"
#include "TBTK/Streams.h"
#include "TBTK/TBTK.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using namespace TBTK;
int main(){
//Create Arrays.
Array<unsigned int> array0({2, 3, 4});
Array<unsigned int> array1({2, 3, 4});
Array<unsigned int> array2({2, 3, 4});
//Fill Arrays with values.
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < 2; x++){
for(unsigned int y = 0; y < 3; y++){
for(unsigned int z = 0; z < 4; z++){
array0[{x, y, z}] = x;
array1[{x, y, z}] = 2*y;
array2[{x, y, z}] = 3*z;
//Perform arithmetic operations on Arrays.
Array<unsigned int> result = array0 - array1/2 + 3*array2;
//Get the ranges for the result.
const vector<unsigned int> &ranges = result.getRanges();
Streams::out << "Result dimension: " << ranges.size() << "\n";
Streams::out << "Result ranges: ";
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < ranges.size(); n++)
Streams::out << ranges[n] << "\t";
Streams::out << "\n";
//Get slice containing data for all indices of the form {_a_, 0, _a_},
//where _a_ is a wildcard.
Array<unsigned int> slice = result.getSlice({_a_, 0, _a_});
//Get the ranges for the slice.
const vector<unsigned int> &sliceRanges = slice.getRanges();
Streams::out << "Slice dimension: " << sliceRanges.size() << "\n";
Streams::out << "Slice ranges: ";
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < sliceRanges.size(); n++)
Streams::out << sliceRanges[n] << "\t";
Streams::out << "\n";
//Print the values in the slice.
Streams::out << "Slice values:\n";
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < 2; x++){
for(unsigned int z = 0; z < 4; z++)
Streams::out << "\t" << slice[{x, z}];
Streams::out << "\n";


Result dimension: 3
Result ranges: 2 3 4
Slice dimension: 2
Slice ranges: 2 4
Slice values:
0 9 18 27
1 10 19 28

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Array() [1/7]

template<typename DataType >
TBTK::Array< DataType >::Array


◆ Array() [2/7]

template<typename DataType >
TBTK::Array< DataType >::Array ( const std::initializer_list< unsigned int > &  ranges)


rangesThe ranges of the Array.

◆ Array() [3/7]

template<typename DataType >
TBTK::Array< DataType >::Array ( const std::initializer_list< unsigned int > &  ranges,
const DataType &  fillValue 


rangesThe ranges of the Array.
fillValueValue to fill the Array with.

◆ Array() [4/7]

template<typename DataType >
TBTK::Array< DataType >::Array ( const std::vector< DataType > &  vector)

Constructs an Array from an std::vector.

vectorThe std::vector to copy from.

◆ Array() [5/7]

template<typename DataType >
TBTK::Array< DataType >::Array ( const std::vector< std::vector< DataType >> &  vector)

Constructs an Array from an std::vector.

vectorThe std::vector to copy from.

◆ Array() [6/7]

template<typename DataType >
TBTK::Array< DataType >::Array ( const Range range)

Construct an Array from a Range. The created Array has the same number of elements as the resolution of the Range. The elements are initialized so that the first and last elements corresponds to the upper and lower bound of the range, and the intermediate values are equispaced between these bounds.

rangeA Range object that specifies the number of elements and lower and upper bound.

◆ Array() [7/7]

template<typename DataType >
TBTK::Array< DataType >::Array ( const std::string &  serialization,
Mode  mode 

Constructs an Array from a serialization string.

serializationSerialization string from which to construct the Array.
modeThe mode with which the string has been serialized.

Member Function Documentation

◆ contract()

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::contract ( const Array< DataType > &  array0,
const std::vector< Subindex > &  pattern0,
const Array< DataType > &  array1,
const std::vector< Subindex > &  pattern1 

Contract two Arrays by summing over one or more common indices.

\( A_{ijk} = \sum_{ab}B_{ijab}C_{akb}\)

The function takes two Arrays and two patterns. The patterns must have the same number of Subindices as the corresponding Array and contain either wildcards or labeled wildcards (see Subindex).

Labeled wildcards in the two patterns are identified and the corresponding indices are summed over. The Subindices of the resulting Array is ordered in the same order as the original Arrays, with the Subindices of the first Array coming before those of the second.

If B and C are two @linkArray Arrays with four and three Subindices each, the expression above is calculated using

Array<DataType> A = Array<DataType>::contract(
{_a_, _a_, _aX_(0), _aX_(1)}},
{_aX_(0), _a_, _aX_(1)}
array0The first array.
pattern0The pattern associated with the first Array.
array1The second Array.
pattern1The pattern associated with the second Array.
A new Array resulting from contracting the labled wildcards in the two Array.

◆ create() [1/2]

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::create ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &  ranges)

Create an array with a vector of ranges. Identical to calling the constructor using an std::initializer_list, but using a std::vector instead. Allows for the creation of an Arrays with dynamically assigned ranges.

rangesThe ranges of the Array.

◆ create() [2/2]

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::create ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &  ranges,
const DataType &  fillValue 

Create an array with a vector of ranges. Identical to calling the constructor using an std::initializer_list, but using a std::vector instead. Allows for the creation of an Arrays with dynamically assigned ranges.

rangesThe ranges of the Array.
fillValueValue to fill the Array with.

◆ getArrayWithPermutedIndices()

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::getArrayWithPermutedIndices ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &  permutation) const

Get a new Array with permuted indices.

permutationA list of integers from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of indices.
A new Array where the nth Subindex corresponds to the original Subindex in position permutation[n].

◆ getArrayWithReversedIndices()

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::getArrayWithReversedIndices

Get a new Array with the indices in reverse order.

A new Array where the indices occurs in reverse order.

◆ getData() [1/2]

template<typename DataType >
const CArray< DataType > & TBTK::Array< DataType >::getData

Get raw data. If the array has ranges {SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, SIZE_Z}, rawData[SIZE_Z*(SIZE_Y*x + y) + z = array[{x, y, z}].

The raw data as a linear CArray.

◆ getData() [2/2]

template<typename DataType >
const CArray<DataType>& TBTK::Array< DataType >::getData ( ) const

Get raw data. If the array has ranges {SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, SIZE_Z}, rawData[SIZE_Z*(SIZE_Y*x + y) + z = array[{x, y, z}].

The raw data as a linear CArray.

◆ getRanges()

template<typename DataType >
const std::vector< unsigned int > & TBTK::Array< DataType >::getRanges

Get ranges.

The Arrays ranges.

◆ getSize()

template<typename DataType >
unsigned int TBTK::Array< DataType >::getSize

Get the number of elements in the Array.

◆ getSlice()

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::getSlice ( const std::vector< Subindex > &  index) const

Get a subset of the Array that results from setting one or multiple indices equal to given values.


Array array({5, 5, 5});
Array slice = array.slice({_a_, 2, _a_});

The result is a two-dimensional Array for which slice({x, z}) = array({x, 2, z}).

indexIndex into the Array.
An Array of lower dimension.

◆ operator Array< CastType >()

template<typename DataType >
template<typename CastType >
TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator Array< CastType >

Type cast operator. Creates a copy of the Array with the data type changed to the cast type.

A new Array with the data type of the elements changed to CastType.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator* ( const Array< DataType > &  rhs) const

Multiplication operator. Multiplies two Arrays of rank one or two. If \(u_i\) and \(v_i\) are Arrays with a single Subindex and \(M_{ij}\) and \(N_{ij}\) are Arrays with two Subindices, the possible products are

Rank 1 times rank 1:


The result is an Array with rank 1 and a single element.

Rank 1 times rank 2:


The result is an Array with rank 1.

Rank 2 times rank 1:


The result is an Array with rank 1.

Rank 2 times rank 2:


The result is an Array with rank 2.

rhsThe right hand side of the expression.
An Array containing the product of the two Arrays.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator* ( const DataType &  rhs) const

Multiplication operator.

rhsThe right hand side of the expression.
The product of the left and right hand side.

◆ operator+()

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator+ ( const Array< DataType > &  rhs) const

Addition operator.

rhsThe right hand side of the expression.
The sum of the left and right hand side.

◆ operator-()

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator- ( const Array< DataType > &  rhs) const

Subtraction operator.

rhsThe right hand side of the expression.
The sum of the left and right hand side.

◆ operator/()

template<typename DataType >
Array< DataType > TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator/ ( const DataType &  rhs) const

Division operator.

rhsThe right hand side of the expression.
The quotient between the left and right hand side.

◆ operator==()

template<typename DataType >
bool TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator== ( const Array< DataType > &  rhs) const

Comparison operator.

rhsThe right hand side of the expression.
True if the size and individual entries of the left and right hand sides are equal, otherwise false.

◆ operator[]() [1/4]

template<typename DataType >
DataType & TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator[] ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &  index)

Array subscript operator.

indexIndex to get the value for.
The value for the given index.

◆ operator[]() [2/4]

template<typename DataType >
const DataType & TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator[] ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &  index) const

Array subscript operator.

indexIndex to get the value for.
The value for the given index.

◆ operator[]() [3/4]

template<typename DataType >
DataType & TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator[] ( unsigned int  n)

Array subscript operator. Imediate access for optimization. For an array with size {SIZE_A, SIZE_B, SIZE_C}, the supplied index should be calculated as n = SIZE_C*SIZE_B*a + SIZE_C*b + c.

nEntry in the array.
The value of entry n.

◆ operator[]() [4/4]

template<typename DataType >
const DataType & TBTK::Array< DataType >::operator[] ( unsigned int  n) const

Array subscript operator. Imediate access for optimization. For an array with size {SIZE_A, SIZE_B, SIZE_C}, the supplied index should be calculated as n = SIZE_C*SIZE_B*a + SIZE_C*b + c.

nEntry in the array.
The value of entry n.

◆ serialize()

template<typename DataType >
std::string TBTK::Array< DataType >::serialize ( Mode  mode) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Math::ArrayAlgorithms< DataType >

template<typename DataType >
friend class Math::ArrayAlgorithms< DataType >

Friend class.

◆ operator*

template<typename DataType >
Array operator* ( const DataType &  lhs,
const Array< DataType > &  rhs 

Multiplication operator.

lhsThe left hand side of the expression.
rhsThe right hand side of the expression.
The product of the left and right hand side.

◆ operator<<

template<typename DataType >
template<typename DT >
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Array< DT > &  array 

ostream operator.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Multi-dimensional array.
Definition: Array.h:98
Streams for TBTK output.
Multi-dimensional array.
void Initialize()
const std::vector< unsigned int > & getRanges() const
Definition: Array.h:1228
static std::ostream out
Definition: Streams.h:70
static Array contract(const Array &array0, const std::vector< Subindex > &pattern0, const Array &array1, const std::vector< Subindex > &pattern1)
Definition: Array.h:810
Array< DataType > getSlice(const std::vector< Subindex > &index) const
Definition: Array.h:1072
TBTK initialization.
Definition: Array.h:444