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TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter Class Reference

Plots data. More...

#include <Plotter.h>

Public Member Functions

 Plotter ()
void setSize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
void setBoundsX (double minX, double maxX)
void setBoundsY (double minY, double maxY)
void setBounds (double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY)
void setAxes (const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::vector< double >> > &axes)
void setTitle (const std::string &title, bool overwrite=true)
void setLabelX (const std::string &labelX, bool overwrite=true)
void setLabelY (const std::string &labelY, bool overwrite=true)
void setLabelZ (const std::string &labelZ, bool overwrite=true)
void plot (const Property::Density &density, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Index &pattern, const Property::Density &density, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Property::DOS &dos, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Property::EigenValues &eigenValues, const Argument &argument="black")
void plot (const Property::LDOS &ldos, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Index &pattern, const Property::LDOS &ldos, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Vector3d &direction, const Property::Magnetization &magnetization, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Index &pattern, const Vector3d &direction, const Property::Magnetization &magnetization, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Vector3d &direction, const Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS &spinPolarizedLDOS, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Index &pattern, const Vector3d &direction, const Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS &spinPolarizedLDOS, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (unsigned int state, const Property::WaveFunctions &waveFunctions, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Index &pattern, unsigned int state, const Property::WaveFunctions &waveFunctions, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const AnnotatedArray< double, double > &data, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const AnnotatedArray< double, Subindex > &data, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Array< double > &data, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (Array< double > x, const Array< double > &y, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (Array< double > x, Array< double > y, const Array< double > &z, const Argument &argument="")
void setPlotMethod3D (const std::string &plotMethod3D)
void setRotation (int elevation, int azimuthal, bool overwrite=true)
void setNumContours (unsigned int numContours)
void clear ()
void show () const
void save (const std::string &filename) const
Ambiguity resolution

These functions resolves otherwise ambiguous function calls.

void plot (const Array< double > &data, const std::initializer_list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &argument)
void plot (const std::initializer_list< double > &data, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const std::initializer_list< double > &x, const Array< double > &y, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const Array< double > &x, const std::initializer_list< double > &y, const Argument &argument="")
void plot (const std::initializer_list< double > &x, const std::initializer_list< double > &y, const Argument &argument="")

Detailed Description

Plots data.

The Plotter can plot Properties, Arrays, AnnotatedArrays, and other types that are automatically convertable to these types.

Matplotlib as backend

The plotter uses matplotlib as backend and therefore requires python with matplotlib to be installed to be possible to use. While the Plotter does not give direct access to matplotlib, it does allow for a subset of plot customization to be done through plot arguments. Each plot function takes an optional list of key-value pairs that will be passed on to the corresponding matplotlib function. For example, it is possible to set the line width and color as follows.

plotter.plot(data, {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}});

It is important to note that the Plotter switches between different matplotlib routines to plot different types of data. The possible key-value pairs depends on which routine is used by the plotter. By default, the Plotter uses the function matplotlib.pyplot.plot for 1D data and matplotlib.pyplot.contourf for 2D data.

2D plots

By default 2D data is plotted using matplotlib.pyplot.contourf, but it is also possible to use mpl_toolkit.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.plot_surface. The function that is used can be set using




Number of contours for contourf

When using contourf, the number of contour levels can be set using


Rotation for plot_surface

When using plot_surface, the rotation can be set using

plotter.setRotation(elevation, azimuthal);

where elevation and azimuthal have the type int.

Title and labels

To set the title and labels, use

plotter.setTitle("My title");

Modifying axes


By default axes are rescaled to fit the data. The bounds for a given axis can be changed by calling

plotter.setBoundsX(minX, minY);
plotter.setBoundsY(minY, minY);


plotter.setBounds(minX, maxX, minY, maxY);


By default the ticks run from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of data points for the given axis. If the data contans additional information, that allows the tick values to be modified automatically, the Plotter will do so.

For example, EnergyResolvedProperties such as the DOS will have their ticks running between the energy range's lower and upper bound. Similarly, a Property with an Index structure such as {x, y, z}, where x runs from minX to maxX, will have its tick values for the x-axis run from minX to maxX.

It is possible to override this behavior as follows.

{0, {lowerBound, upperBound}},
{1, {tick0, tick1, tick2}}

Here the first line says that the tick values for the first axis should be replaced by uniformly spaced tick values ranging from lowerBound to upperBound. The second line says that the tick values for the second axis should be replaced by tick0, tick1, and tick2. When using the second format, it is important that the number of supplied tick values is the same as the size of the range of the data along that axis. The list of axes supplied to setAxes does not need to be complete and the default behavior will be applied to all axes that are not in the list.


Properties can have one of three different formats:

  • IndexDescriptor::Format::None
  • IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges
  • IndexDescriptor::Format::Custom

The syntax for plotting these differs slightly.

None and Ranges

Properties on the None and Ranges can be plotted using the syntax

plotter.plot(property, optionalKeyValuePairs);

where property is a Property and optionalKeyValuePairs is an optional list of key-value pairs as described in the matplotlib section above.


Properties on the Custom format does not have an explicit structural layout. The Plotter therefore need an additional pattern Index to determine how to plot the data. If, for example, the Property has the Index structure {x, y, z}, it can be plotted for the y=5 plane using

plotter.plot({_a_, 5, _a_}, property, optionalKeyValuePairs);

The number of wildcard falgs *_a_* determines the dimensionallity of the output (plus an additional dimension if the Property has a block structure. All data points satisfying the given pattern will be organized into a grid like structure, and for possible missing data points in this grid, the value will be assumed to be zero.


#include "TBTK/Array.h"
#include "TBTK/Model.h"
#include "TBTK/PropertyExtractor/Diagonalizer.h"
#include "TBTK/Range.h"
#include "TBTK/Streams.h"
#include "TBTK/TBTK.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace TBTK;
using namespace Visualization::MatPlotLib;
void plotArray1D(){
const unsigned int SIZE = 10;
Array<double> x({SIZE});
Array<double> y({SIZE});
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < SIZE; n++){
x[{n}] = 2*n;
y[{n}] = n*n;
Plotter plotter;
plotter.setTitle("Array 1D");
{"linewidth", "2"},
{"linestyle", "--"},
{"label", "Custom x-values"}
{"linewidth", "2"},
{"linestyle", "-."},
{"label", "Default x-values"}
void plotDefaultLineStyles(){
const unsigned int SIZE = 100;
Plotter plotter;
plotter.setTitle("Default line styles");
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < 18; n++){
Array<double> y({SIZE});
Range range(0, 2*M_PI, SIZE);
for(unsigned int c = 0; c < range.getResolution(); c++)
y[{c}] = n + sin(range[c]);
void plotArray2D(){
const unsigned int SIZE_X = 10;
const unsigned int SIZE_Y = 10;
Array<double> x({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y});
Array<double> y({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y});
Array<double> z({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y});
for(unsigned int X = 0; X < SIZE_X; X++){
for(unsigned int Y = 0; Y < SIZE_Y; Y++){
x[{X, Y}] = X;
y[{X, Y}] = Y;
z[{X, Y}] = pow(X - 4.5, 2) + pow(Y - 4.5, 2);
Plotter plotter;
plotter.plot(x, y, z);
plotter.setTitle("Plot surface");
plotter.setRotation(30, 60);
plotter.plot(x, y, z);
void plotCustomAxes(){
const unsigned int SIZE_X = 10;
const unsigned int SIZE_Y = 10;
Array<double> x({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y});
Array<double> y({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y});
Array<double> z({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y});
Range kx(0, 2*M_PI, SIZE_X);
Range ky(0, 4*M_PI, SIZE_Y);
for(unsigned int X = 0; X < SIZE_X; X++){
for(unsigned int Y = 0; Y < SIZE_Y; Y++){
x[{X, Y}] = X;
y[{X, Y}] = Y;
z[{X, Y}] = sin(kx[X])*sin(ky[Y]);
Plotter plotter;
plotter.setTitle("Custom axes");
{0, {0, 1}},
{1, {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18}}
plotter.setBoundsX(0, 1);
plotter.setBoundsY(0, 13.5);
plotter.plot(x, y, z);
void plotDensity(){
const unsigned int SIZE_X = 10;
const unsigned int SIZE_Y = 10;
double t = 1;
Model model = Models::SquareLattice({SIZE_X, SIZE_Y}, {0, t});
PropertyExtractor::Diagonalizer propertyExtractor(solver);
= propertyExtractor.calculateDensity({{_a_, _a_}});
Plotter plotter;
plotter.setTitle("Full density");
plotter.plot({_a_, _a_}, density, {{"cmap", "magma"}});
plotter.setTitle("Density cut");
plotter.plot({_a_, SIZE_Y/2}, density, {{"linewidth", "2"}});
int main(){


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Plotter()

TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::Plotter ( )

Default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::clear ( )

Set whether ot not data is plotted on top of old data. Clear the plot and all configuration data.

◆ plot() [1/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( Array< double >  x,
Array< double >  y,
const Array< double > &  z,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot arbitrary data stored in an Array.

xThe data for the x-axis.
yThe data for the y-axis.
zThe data for the z-axis.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [2/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( Array< double >  x,
const Array< double > &  y,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot arbitrary data stored in Arrays.

xThe data for the x-axis.
yThe data for the y-axis.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [3/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const AnnotatedArray< double, double > &  data,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot arbitrary data in stored in an AnnotatedArray.

dataThe data to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [4/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const AnnotatedArray< double, Subindex > &  data,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot arbitrary data stored in an AnnotatedArray.

dataThe data to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [5/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Array< double > &  data,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot arbitrary data stored in an Array.

dataThe data to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [6/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Index pattern,
const Property::Density density,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot density on the the Property::IndexDescriptor::Format::Custom format.

patternAn Index pattern that will be used to extract data from the density. For example, if the Index structure of the data contained in the density is {x, y, z}, the pattern {a, 5, a} will result in a plot of the density in the y=5 plane.
densityThe Property::Density to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [7/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Index pattern,
const Property::LDOS ldos,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot local density of states (LDOS) on the IndexDescriptor::Format::Custom format.

patternAn Index pattern that will be used to extract data from the LDOS. For example, if the Index structure of the data contained in the LDOS is {x, y, z}, the pattern {5, a, 10} will result in a plot of the LDOS along the line (x, z) = (5, 10).
ldosThe Property::LDOS to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [8/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Index pattern,
const Vector3d direction,
const Property::Magnetization magnetization,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot magnetization on the IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges format.

patternAn Index pattern that will be used to extract data from the Magnetization. For example, if the Index structure of the data contained in the Magnetization is {x, y, z}, the pattern {5, a, 10} will result in a plot of the Magnetization along the line (x, z) = (5, 10).
directionThe quantization axis to use.
magnetizationThe Property::Magnetization to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [9/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Index pattern,
const Vector3d direction,
const Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS spinPolarizedLDOS,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot spin-polarized local density of states (LDOS) on the IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges format.

patternAn Index pattern that will be used to extract data from the SpinPolarizedLDOS. For example, if the Index structure of the data contained in the SpinPolarizedLDOS is {x, y, z}, the pattern {5, a, 10} will result in a plot of the SpinPolarizedLDOS along the line (x, z) = (5, 10).
directionThe quantization axis to use.
spinPolarizedLDOSThe Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [10/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Index pattern,
unsigned int  state,
const Property::WaveFunctions waveFunctions,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot wave function on the IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges format.

patternAn Index pattern that will be used to extract data from the WaveFunctions. For example, if the Index structure of the data contained in the WaveFunctions is {x, y, z}, the pattern {5, a, 10} will result in a plot of the WaveFunctions along the line (x, z) = (5, 10).
stateThe state number to plot the wave function for.
waveFunctionsThe Property::WaveFunctions to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [11/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Property::Density density,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot point. Plot density on the Property::IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges format.

densityThe Property::Density to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [12/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Property::DOS dos,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot density of states (DOS).

dosThe Property::DOS to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [13/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Property::EigenValues eigenValues,
const Argument argument = "black" 

Plot eigenvalues.

dosThe Property::EigenValues to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [14/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Property::LDOS ldos,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot local density of states (LDOS) on the IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges format.

ldosThe Property::LDOS to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [15/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Vector3d direction,
const Property::Magnetization magnetization,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot magnetization on the IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges format.

directionThe quantization axis to use.
magnetizationThe Property::Magnetization to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [16/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( const Vector3d direction,
const Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS spinPolarizedLDOS,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot spin-polarized local density of states (LDOS) on the IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges format.

directionThe quantization axis to use.
spinPolarizedLDOSThe Property::SpinPolarizedLDOS to plot.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ plot() [17/17]

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::plot ( unsigned int  state,
const Property::WaveFunctions waveFunctions,
const Argument argument = "" 

Plot wave function on the IndexDescriptor::Format::Ranges format.

stateThe state number to plot the wave function for.
waveFunctionsThe Property::WaveFunctions to plot from.
argumentA list of arguments to pass to the underlying matplotlib function. Can either be a single string value or a list such as {{"linewidth", "2"}, {"color", "red"}}.

◆ save()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::save ( const std::string &  filename) const

Save the canvas to file.

filenameThe file to save the canvas to.

◆ setAxes()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setAxes ( const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::vector< double >> > &  axes)

Set auto scale. Set auto scale. Set auto scale. Set axes values. These axes will override the default axes values. A call can take the following form.

{axisID0, {lowerBound, upperBound}},
{axisID1, {tick0, tick1, tick2}}

Each line corresponds to a separate axis, where the axisID specifies the axis for which to override the default behavior.

If the length of the list corresponding to a given axisID is equal to two, the values will be interpreted as the lower and upper bounds for the plot. If a subsequntly plotted data has N entries for the given axis, element 0 will correspond to the tick value lowerBound, while element N-1 will correspond to upperBound.

If the length of the list corresponding to a given axisID is different from two, the values will be interpreted as tick values. The number of elements in the subsequently plotted data must have the same number of elements for the given axis.

axesList of axes to override the default axes with.

◆ setBounds()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setBounds ( double  minX,
double  maxX,
double  minY,
double  maxY 

Set bounds for the x- and y-axes.

minXThe minimum value for the x-axis.
maxXThe maximum value for the x-axis.
minYThe minimum value for the y-axis.
maxYThe maximum value for the y-axis.

◆ setBoundsX()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setBoundsX ( double  minX,
double  maxX 

Set bounds for the x-axis.

minXThe minimum value for the x-axis.
maxXThe maximum value for the x-axis.

◆ setBoundsY()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setBoundsY ( double  minY,
double  maxY 

Set bounds for the y-axis.

minYThe minimum value for the y-axis.
maxYThe maximum value for the y-axis.

◆ setLabelX()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setLabelX ( const std::string &  labelX,
bool  overwrite = true 

Set the label for the x-axis.

labelXThe label for the x-axis.
overwriteIf set to false, the label will only be set if it has not already been set.

◆ setLabelY()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setLabelY ( const std::string &  labelY,
bool  overwrite = true 

Set the label for the y-axis.

labelYThe label for the y-axis.
overwriteIf set to false, the label will only be set if it has not already been set.

◆ setLabelZ()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setLabelZ ( const std::string &  labelZ,
bool  overwrite = true 

Set the label for the z-axis.

labelZThe label for the z-axis.
overwriteIf set to false, the label will only be set if it has not already been set.

◆ setNumContours()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setNumContours ( unsigned int  numContours)

Set the number of contours to use when plotting contour plots.

numContoursThe number of contour levels to use when plotting contour plots.

◆ setPlotMethod3D()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setPlotMethod3D ( const std::string &  plotMethod3D)

Plot data with color coded intensity. Plot data with color coded intensity. Set the plot method to use for 3D data.

plotMethod3DThe name of the matplotlib function to use for 3D data. The currently supported values are "contourf" and "plot_surface".

◆ setRotation()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setRotation ( int  elevation,
int  azimuthal,
bool  overwrite = true 

Set rotation angels for 3D plots.

elevationThe elevation angle.
azimuthalThe azimuthal angle.
overwriteIf set to false, the angles will only be set if they have not already been set.

◆ setSize()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setSize ( unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 

Set the canvas size.

widthThe width of the canvas.
heightthe height of the canvas.

◆ setTitle()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::setTitle ( const std::string &  title,
bool  overwrite = true 

Set the plot title.

titleThe title of the plot.
overwriteIf set to false, the title will only be set if it has not already been set.

◆ show()

void TBTK::Visualization::MatPlotLib::Plotter::show ( ) const

Show the plot using matplotlibs GUI.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Plots data.
TBTK::Array< double >
Container of Model related information.
Definition: Model.h:57
Container of Model related information.
Solves a Model using diagonalization.
Definition: Diagonalizer.h:52
Streams for TBTK output.
virtual Property::Density calculateDensity(Index pattern, Index ranges)
One-dimensional range.
Definition: Range.h:52
void setChemicalPotential(double chemicalPotential)
Definition: Model.h:347
Multi-dimensional array.
Extracts physical properties from the Solver::Diagonalizer.
Definition: Diagonalizer.h:55
void run()
Solves a Model using diagonalization.
void Initialize()
virtual void setModel(Model &model)
Definition: Solver.h:69
Array< DataType > pow(const Array< DataType > &array, double exponent)
Definition: ArrayAlgorithms.h:747
Helper class for flattening nested looping.
Property container for density.
Definition: Density.h:43
Square lattice model.
Property container for density.
Array< DataType > sin(const Array< DataType > &array)
Definition: ArrayAlgorithms.h:596
Definition: Plotter.h:729
unsigned int getResolution() const
Definition: Range.h:115
TBTK initialization.
void construct()
Square lattice model.
Definition: SquareLattice.h:60