▼NTBTK | |
►NMath | |
CArrayAlgorithms | |
►NModels | |
CSquareLattice | Square lattice model |
►NProperty | |
CAbstractProperty | Abstract Property class |
CDensity | Property container for density |
CDOS | Property container for density of states (DOS) |
CEigenValues | Property container for eigen values |
CEnergyResolvedProperty | Base class for energy resolved Properties |
CGreensFunction | Property container for the Green's function |
CLDOS | Property container for the local density of states (LDOS) |
CMagnetization | Property container for magnetization |
CProperty | Abstract Property class |
CSpinPolarizedLDOS | Property container for spin-polarized local density of states (spin-polarized LDOS) |
CWaveFunctions | Property container for wave function |
►NPropertyExtractor | |
CArnoldiIterator | Extracts physical properties from the Solver::ArnoldiIterator |
CBlockDiagonalizer | Extracts physical properties from the Solver::BlockDiagonalizer |
CChebyshevExpander | Extracts physical properties from Solver::ChebyshevExpander |
CDiagonalizer | Extracts physical properties from the Solver::Diagonalizer |
CIndexTreeGenerator | Generates IndexTrees to be used as loop ranges and memory layout for Properties in the PropertyExtractors |
CPatternValidator | Validates patterns that are passed to PropertyExtractor calls |
►CPropertyExtractor | Base class for PropertyExtractors |
CInformation | |
►NQuantity | |
CBase | Base Quantity |
CDerived | Derived Quantity |
CQuantity | Base class for Quantitis |
►NSolver | |
CArnoldiIterator | Solves a Model using Arnoldi iteration |
►CBlockDiagonalizer | Solves a block diagonal Model using diagonalization |
CSelfConsistencyCallback | |
CChebyshevExpander | Solves a Model using the Chebyshev method |
►CDiagonalizer | Solves a Model using diagonalization |
CSelfConsistencyCallback | |
CLinearEquationSolver | |
CSolver | Base class for Solvers |
►NVisualization | |
►NMatPlotLib | |
CArgument | Argument to matplotlib |
CColorMap | |
CContourfParameters | |
CPlotParameters | |
CPlotSurfaceParameters | |
CPlotter | Plots data |
CAbstractHoppingAmplitudeFilter | |
CAbstractIndexFilter | |
CAnnotatedArray | Array with additional information about its axes |
CArray | Multi-dimensional array |
CAtom | |
CBackwardDifference | HoppingAmplitudeList corresponding to a backward difference |
CBitRegister | Register of bits |
CBoolean | Boolean number |
CBoundaryCondition | A set of HoppingAmplitudes , a SourceAmplitude, and an elimination Index, which together form a single linear equation that can be used to eliminate an Index from a larger set of linear equations |
CCArray | Container for a C style array |
CCenteredDifference | HoppingAmplitudeList corresponding to a centered difference |
CCommunicator | Base class for classes that can communicate their status during execution |
CComplex | Complex number |
CConvolver | |
CElementNotFoundException | |
CException | |
CExporter | Exports data on human readable format |
CExtensiveBitRegister | Register of bits |
CFileParser | |
CFileReader | |
CFileWriter | |
CForwardDifference | HoppingAmplitudeList corresponding to a forward difference |
►CFourierTransform | Fourier transform |
CForwardPlan | |
CInversePlan | |
CPlan | |
CFunctions | |
CGeometry | Contains geometric information about a Model |
►CHoppingAmplitude | Hopping amplitude from state 'from' to state 'to' |
CAmplitudeCallback | |
CHoppingAmplitudeList | List of HoppingAmplitudes |
►CHoppingAmplitudeSet | HoppingAmplitude container |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
►CHoppingAmplitudeTree | Node in tree used by HoppingAmplitudeSet to store HoppingAmplitudes |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CIndex | Physical index |
CIndexBasedHoppingAmplitudeFilter | |
CIndexDescriptor | Describes the index structure of data stored for several indices |
►CIndexedDataTree | |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CIndexException | |
►CIndexTree | Data structure for mapping physical indices to linear indices |
CConstIterator | |
CInteger | Integer number |
CLUSolver | Solves Mx = b for x, where M is a SparseMatrix |
CMatrix | |
CMatrix< DataType, 0, 0 > | |
CMatrix< std::complex< double >, 0, 0 > | |
CModel | Container of Model related information |
CMultiCounter | Helper class for flattening nested loops |
CNatural | Natural number |
►COverlapAmplitude | Overlap amplitude between state 'bra' and 'ket' |
CAmplitudeCallback | |
►COverlapAmplitudeSet | OverlapAmplitude container |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CParameterSet | |
CPropertyConverter | Convert Properties to AnnotatedArrays |
CPseudoSerializable | |
CRange | One-dimensional range |
CReal | Real number |
CResource | Read and write string resources from file, URL, etc |
CSerializable | |
CSingleParticleContext | The context for the single particle part of a Model |
CSmooth | |
►CSourceAmplitude | Source amplitude for equations with a source term |
CAmplitudeCallback | |
►CSourceAmplitudeSet | SourceAmplitude container |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CSparseMatrix | |
CSpinMatrix | Matrix containing information about a spin |
CStreamable | |
CStreams | |
CSubindex | An entry in an Index |
CTimer | A Timer for measuring execution time |
CUnitHandler | Handles conversion between different units |
CVector2d | |
CVector3d | |
CVectorNd | |