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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAnnotatedArrayArray with additional information about its axes
 CArrayMulti-dimensional array
 CBackwardDifferenceHoppingAmplitudeList corresponding to a backward difference
 CBitRegisterRegister of bits
 CBooleanBoolean number
 CBoundaryConditionA set of HoppingAmplitudes , a SourceAmplitude, and an elimination Index, which together form a single linear equation that can be used to eliminate an Index from a larger set of linear equations
 CCArrayContainer for a C style array
 CCenteredDifferenceHoppingAmplitudeList corresponding to a centered difference
 CCommunicatorBase class for classes that can communicate their status during execution
 CComplexComplex number
 CExporterExports data on human readable format
 CExtensiveBitRegisterRegister of bits
 CForwardDifferenceHoppingAmplitudeList corresponding to a forward difference
 CFourierTransformFourier transform
 CGeometryContains geometric information about a Model
 CHoppingAmplitudeHopping amplitude from state 'from' to state 'to'
 CHoppingAmplitudeListList of HoppingAmplitudes
 CHoppingAmplitudeSetHoppingAmplitude container
 CHoppingAmplitudeTreeNode in tree used by HoppingAmplitudeSet to store HoppingAmplitudes
 CIndexPhysical index
 CIndexDescriptorDescribes the index structure of data stored for several indices
 CIndexTreeData structure for mapping physical indices to linear indices
 CIntegerInteger number
 CLUSolverSolves Mx = b for x, where M is a SparseMatrix
 CMatrix< DataType, 0, 0 >
 CMatrix< std::complex< double >, 0, 0 >
 CModelContainer of Model related information
 CMultiCounterHelper class for flattening nested loops
 CNaturalNatural number
 COverlapAmplitudeOverlap amplitude between state 'bra' and 'ket'
 COverlapAmplitudeSetOverlapAmplitude container
 CPropertyConverterConvert Properties to AnnotatedArrays
 CRangeOne-dimensional range
 CRealReal number
 CResourceRead and write string resources from file, URL, etc
 CSingleParticleContextThe context for the single particle part of a Model
 CSourceAmplitudeSource amplitude for equations with a source term
 CSourceAmplitudeSetSourceAmplitude container
 CSpinMatrixMatrix containing information about a spin
 CSubindexAn entry in an Index
 CTimerA Timer for measuring execution time
 CUnitHandlerHandles conversion between different units